Contact Sales: Need Pre Sale Support? Looking for guitar advice?

Ohhhh we HATE the word sales team but yes - at the end of the day you may well "buy" a guitar at the end of the process !

Only however if our team have made you feel comfortable - you trust us - and our advice has helped you.  Sales could not be further from our minds and whilst it may sound a little pompous - we consider ourselves trusted consultants or "personal shoppers".  We are here to help, advise, guide & support.

Please note:  2021 has been a year of manufacturing delays and uncertainty.  This has put extraordinary strain on our team as we attempt to update every customer about their guitar. With finite resources and ever-growing backlog of customer orders we must ask you to be patient and understanding.  We all care so much and there is nothing worse than knowing we have a customer who feels frustrated.

If you are involved in an industry that involves a supply chain - you will understand our pain!  If you are not - Please believe me that we care and at worst it may require is a little patience or the use of the redial button on your phone, and we WILL be here for you!

Calling Us

We have 3 specialists available in store to help.  Jon, Sophie & Rikki.

You can call us on 01789 263333 Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm

If you call during these hours and it goes to answerphone, then PLEASE just try again a little later - You just caught us at a bad time!

If you are happy to leave a message then it will come through to our email as an audio file, and we will make sure you get a return call IF it's a sales/advice enquiry.

Online Chat

Our chat system operates in a way that if we are able to reply immediately - we will!.  If you do not get a reply please do not worry as we will reply as soon as its physically possible to do so.  You will be emailed our reply which enables you to either reply back by email or join the chat.

Emails / Tickets

If you have left a message and do not get an immediate reply, then it gets delivered to us as a ticket.

You can also email us

If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours...

RE-Send a new ticket (or email) and call it "Attempt No 2" (or THREE if you are seriously unlucky!!!)

Do also remember the telephone is there too as mentioned above.

In the meantime - It is our aim to ensure we do reply to every single possible enquiry that comes through but please don't think we are ignoring you.  We care - we want to help - and the only reason this is occurring is that we DO have a great reputation and remain incredibly busy.

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