Sales & Support Contact Details

A note from Richard  as of November 2021

If you work in an industry involved in any kind of supply chain, you will already be aware of the pressures Covid has put on small businesses.

2021 has been a year of delays & supply chain uncertainty.

As a business we only have finite human resources so PLEASE, if we fail to reply in a time frame you feel is acceptable, it is not because we don't care - that we are lazy - that we really don't need your business, or we take you for granted.  It's because we are doing our very best in very difficult circumstances.

We have 3 telephone lines manned during office hours, so if at first you don't succeed please try, try again!

I always refer to my relationship with my customers as a team effort.  We are on a journey together from your initial enquiry to the long term support we provide.

We are always here for you and cannot thank our loyal customers enough

Sale Enquiries & Guitar Advice

TEL: 01789 263333
Press Option 2

Tuesday to Saturday between 10am & 4pm you will always have access to our team.
Out of these hours you can still talk to 24/7 support who will pass your enquiry on to our team (only sale enquiries / guitar advice - NOT order tracking)

If we are engaged on other calls, your call will still be taken by a support member (NO answer phones - I always want you welcomed by "someone" even when it cannot be the exact person you need).  They will politely take your details and make sure that we get back to you.  I would recommend leaving your details with them - but if you dont want to or its an emergency, just hang up and dial again - until one of our actual sales team answer.

When you speak to the team member - please bare in mind you can select them directly from the phone system too enabling you to select them personally for your follow up conversation.  If they are busy or its out of hours it will go to their personal message system.  If its urgent - just keep trying rather than leaving a message.



Or click on the live chat where we will either reply straight away or your enquiry will be turned into a ticket for us to reply to asap

Post Purchase SUPPORT - For updates on your order Progress

TEL: 01789 263333 between 10am & 4pm Tuesday to Friday

Due to Covid and delays - we were receiving too many inbound emails - often repeats of the same topic to different members of our team and often followed up by a phone call (where the answer was provided!)  Which means we spent many hours answering tickets that had already been handled.

As of December 2021 we are experimenting with the concept that if you require an update or would like to change details in some way, we would prefer to deal with you in person - which is what our customers want anyway right?

I want to minimize the amount of email / ticket communication as much as possible and INCREASE the amount of personal contact by phone.

So here is how to get any update or update us on your order as of December 2022.

Call on the number provided.  If you receive an answerphone it means we are busy so please just call back if you are able to - and you will be dealt with in person.  We may implement a call queuing system if needs be - but will monitor this method first.

If you cannot call back - please then leave a message and we will be in touch (the aim within 1 working day)

If leaving a message is frustrating for you please just call back.

If you have left a message via our online chat you will receive a reply asking you whether your problem has been resolved and if not to then to call the number above..  We just want to eliminate the mass of tickets that get answered by phone within minutes of someone leaving a ticket!  This frees up our time to help the people who need the help.

If you are having a conversation by email - IF you choose to follow up by phone could you please let us know that you have asked the same question by email?  It will help us so much.  We can remove the email from our system and answer someone else who is waiting.

We care passionately to help our customers.  I personally (Richard) monitor customer issues / satisfaction daily and am fanatical about wanting my customers to receive the very best care possible in a climate that is proving very difficult to navigate.  We do not want to complicate or undermine your experience - we want to show you we are here for you.

If we ever let you down through delayed communication it is not a lack of care or desire to help and fingers crossed by being 100% transparent about the difficulties we can all work together as a team - with mutual respect and understanding of the situation.



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